Salam..hehe..hepi national day..i woke up at 1.37am and got msgs of hepi national day, hepi 52 national day,, i miss the significant time of proud malaysia history which is national day that is 12.00am, august dont knw why should celebrate at 12.00am, since that "watikah perlembagaan" and the change British reign is given to Tunku Abdul Rahman by Adikung Duke at about 9am..that is the official declaration of the independence where Tanah Melayu is retreat from the British protection. celebrate at 9am, that is too early, Malaysian is sleeping, evn the shops and hypermarket are still (^0^)

anyway,i dont knw wht the real theme & logo for this 52nd national day [ sigh~me bad ], is this really is, can u tell me? huhu, coz i googling the image and i only found this 1, the rest is the logo for the 51st national day. [ or i got wrong keyword search, lol (-_-") ]. haha, if the kid see this logo, they will definitely think today is the 1st anniversary of national day since there is BIG 1 in the logo,haha..anyway, im not sure this is real logo for this is year,hoho [ dont blame me, i got no tv and i dont like to hangout, i got internet and just google it, hehe :p ]

This is 1 Malaysia logo introduced by our current prime minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, the motto is
"Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan"
Link to the 1Malaysia website, i dont knw how this web work, but seems like we can change opinion and suggestion regarding this 1 Malaysia
Unlike Pak Lah quote before,
"Bekerja lah Bersama Saya, Bkn Bekerja Utk Saya"
Ok then,bye2...sahor2..
Happy National Day and Happy Ramadhan Kareem
P/S : I just hv 2 posts, but i use LinkWithin widget already, hahaha..