Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st December 2010 - Oil Price Increase - Malaysia :(

halo assalamualaikum..
it is a very long time i dont update my blog. (betol ka aku ckp??) i feel guilty.should i felt so? nahh i shouldnt. i felt so because there are follower of this blog. anyway, do they give a damn about this blog? i think right now they dont, because i didnt update my blog anymore, seems like never anymore..huhu..

today, most of you know that the malaysia oil price increase again..but, it is only for RON97. the price increase 15cent which is from RM2.15..however, it seems that nowadays malaysian just ignore the news and doesnt care about it. i remember that the increase of the oil price before bring many demonstration and politician is arguing about that in the parliament. the existence of RON95 maybe the reason for all of this. RON95 was introduced on 1 September 2009. and the price of RON95 is more cheaper than RON97. i think by now, you should know the difference of RON95 and RON97. its been introduced a year already..

well, maybe i can explain here a little. RON stand for Research Octane Number. and the number after is define by the rating of the octane rating in the oil..maybe next entry i'll explain about this matter. or you can search for yourself..hoho.

 i should add here 1 December 2010 - RM2.30

from the trend there, the most expensive oil price is RM2.70 is 5 Jun 2008. this is during PAK LAH reign..haish..seems like nothing is doing better during his era..huhuhu..RON92 is available in malaysian market until 1st september 2009 where RON95 was introduced. nowadays, the price of RON95 is RM1.85. what make the oil price increase and decreased? do we know what? 

the price of the oil is controlled by the the OPEC which stand for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

members of OPEC

the former members of OPEC is Gabon of Africa region (1975-1994) and Indonesia (1962-2008)..where is Malaysia..LOL..and this OPEC county who control the oil prices..uhuh..Together, these 13 nations are responsible for 40% of the world's oil production and they are holding the majority of the world's oil reserves, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). [source: EIA]. it is very easy for OPEC to control the oil price, whenever the oil production is decreased, the oil price is increase. simple as that. this happened because short of supply for oil and another reason is the forecaster expect the oil will diminish and this make the price will increase more. however, hubbert peak theory explain that every nation have its own peak production. Indonesia reach its peak in 1991 and its may be the reason that they left the OPEC. Malaysia oil is expected to reach its peak of production in 2013. all my friend..go hunt oil and gas company right now..hihi..

I think thats all for this entry. i know people might get boring if this is too can search another info for your own. bye bye.

TRIVIA : Venezuela sell oil at 12cents per gallon :)

P/S: people will simply ignore about this..haha ouh..and hepi december

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hari Jumaat - Sayyidul Ayyam

Salam jumaat :)
Hari jumaat datang lagi..he he, mcm lah baru dtg sekali, walhal, tiap2 mggu pasti ada hari jumat. Ramai yg suka pabila bertandang nya hari jumat. mungkin kerana esok adalah hari sabtu dan bermulanya cuti hujung minggu. bg kaum hawa pula, lunch hour mereka pada hari ini lebih lama berbanding weekdays yg lain.

Agak pelik juga bg saya yg kerdil hina ini. Setiap hari ada lah nama bg setiap no di dlm bhs arab. akn tetapi hari jumaat yg sepatut nya hari no 6 di sebut jumaat. Oh ya, hari jumaat ialah penghulu segala hari :)
  1. Ahad = Waahid maksud nya satu dlm bhs arab, 
  2. Isnin = Ith-nayn = 2, 
  3. Selasa = Thalatha = 3, 
  4. Rabu = Arba'a = 4, 
  5. Khamis = Khamsah = 5, 
  6. Jumaat = Sittah = 6
  7. Sabtu = Sab'a = 7.  
Kalendar2 di Malaysia am nya menggunakan Gregorian Calendar dan hanya sebilangan sahaja yg menggunakan Kalendar Hijriah. Saya mahu tanya kamu semua, birthday kamu pasti kamu ingt dlm Kalendar Gregorian bkn? Ooh, saya lahir 31 September..Lihat di situ, ramai kah muslim di Malaysia yg mengingati tarikh lahir mereka dlm Kalendar Hijri :) Akn tetapi, sistem hari menggunakn Hijriah Kalendar iaitu ahad, isnin, selasa .... dan Kalendar Gregorian ialah sunday, monday, tuesday, thursday ... 

Bahasa Melayu kita ini suka menciplakmeminjam ayat bahasa. terlalu byk kta pinjam dr bahasa sanskrit dan byk bahasa inggeris telah di melayu kn..takkan monday jd mandei, tuesday jd tiusdei, thursday - tersdei, nasib baik tidak jd begitu kn? agak lawak juga rupa nya.haha :D sbb itu lah pembelajaran sains dan matematik dlm bhs melayu amat kompleks untuk di bincang kn. tp saya tidak menyokong perkara itu, saya mahu ianya di ajar d dlm bhs inggeris,hoho :)
"Ilmu sains dan matematik bukan ilmu yang statik. Ilmu-ilmu ini berkembang sepanjang masa. Tiap hari ada hasil kaji selidik, penerokaan, ciptaan dan perluasan yang diperkenal melalui ratusan kertas-kertas yang ditulis."
"Hampir semua ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Untuk menterjemah tulisan ini kita perlu orang yang fasih dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris dan faham ilmu yang hendak diterjemah."

"Kita ada beberapa kerat sahaja orang yang berkebolehan seperti ini. Itupun dalam dua tiga bidang sahaja. Orang yang layak seperti ini tidak berminat menjadi penterjemah seumur hidup. Apabila sains dan matematik diajar dalam bahasa Melayu, orang seperti ini tidak akan ada lagi. Bagaimanakah kita hendak ikuti perkembangan ilmu sains?"
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

bagaimana kah kta mahu mengikuti perkembangan ilmu sains? kta dh la sedia ada mundur,huhu..mahu kah begitu. kata2 di atas adalah kata2 Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamadd :) anda fhm bkn apa yg mahu saya sampai kn. terlalu byk saya mahu ceritakn di sini. Kalendar Gregorian, Kalendar Hijriah, peminjaman bhs melayu, pembelajaran sains dan matematik dlm bhs melayu dan byk lagi. InshaAllah saya akn tulis di post yg berlainan kalau saya rajin lah :) [mcm la ada org mahu bc blog saya yg merepek ini |=.=| haha] lihat lah dunia, saya sudah melalut dari Sayyidul Ayyam ke PPSMI..haish~

Ok2..balik ke soal solat jumat, saya yakin ramai yg tahu apa syarat wajib, syarat sah dan pengecualian solat jumat. tidak perlu lah saya terang kn di sini apa yg berlaku dlm hidup saya tentang pengecualian solat jumat ini ialah salah satu tu nya di kecuali kn solat jumat bg seseorang itu jika hujan lebat krn menyukar kn nya utk pergi ke masjid. seumur hidup saya, tidak pernah lagi berlaku hujan lebat ketika saya mahu menunai kn solat jumat. ada pun sebelum pergi solat jumat ataupun selepas solat jumat. spt minggu lepas, hujan lebat amat lebat sejurus shj selesai imam memberi salam solat jumat. selama ini saya jika saya berjln kaki, menunggang motor mahupun menaiki kereta tidak pernah pun hujan lebat ketika mahu pergi solat jumat. Masha-ALLAH, mungkin ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian, terima kasih ALLAH :)

oh, ini bkn saya ya..semata2 gambar hiasan :)
Oh ya satu lagi, slh satu syarat wajib solat jumat ialah lelaki. syarat tersebut tidak mengatakn haram utk perempuan menunaikn solat jumat. bole lah jugak solat jumaat tp tidak sah la, solat zuhr la selepas itu ya kaum hawa :p tp apa yg saya mahu tekan kn di sini ialah intipati khutbah. amat bagus utk di dengari bkn shj utk kaum adam, bah kn kaum hawa juga. drpd intipati khutbah jumat itu mengajar kta, mendapat ilmu baru, dan hal2 sekeliling yg berkaitan dgn islam. jadi bg saya tidak salah utk kaum hawa dtg mendengar khutbah juga :)


sekian saja drpd saya, terima kasih krn membaca, salam jumat ya :)

P/S: sometimes during khutbah, coincidentally met old friend and talk about life whats going on about btwn us and this make me ignoring khutbah bad, bad me |>_<| huhuhu..

Source: Tun Dr. M, Wikipedia

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Deutschland gewinnt den World Cup 2010

For this two days, there is no match held in WC2010 as to make way for the team that qualify to the quarter final round a rest. Haha, its already up to round and this is the first I wrote about WC2010..To friend who know me really well out there. I am football crazy. But i still wonder why I can give up WC match for the Robocon..I believe that Robocon will be only once in my life,haha..same goes to WC, every four years, up to now, there are already 7 WC held in my life, but maybe the first two WC I not know very well cause I am still know nothing what happened around me,ahaha :D

Yup2 I know, its boring..everyone seems to write about WC..but, I still want to write about it you know,hahaha :D As I am born to this world these are the WC winners;
  • 1986 - Argentina
  • 1990 - West Germany
  • 1994 - Brazil
  • 1998 - France
  • 2002 - Brazil
  • 2006 - Italy
  • 2010 - Germany :p 
As you can see, Brazil is the most winner during my life..and also the most WC winner of all times which is 5 times :) I know most of 80's baby like me support Brazil or Argentina, but me, I am supporting Germany :)
Letih betul mahu taip bahasa Inggeris, mahu taip bhs melayu pula..Untuk WC kali ini, saya mahu Germany menang sebagai Germany, bkn West Germany..Bagi saya, Germany tidak penah menang WC lagi, West Germany,ya mereka pernah menang akn tetapi logo Germany skrg ada 3 bintang bermakna mereka pernah mng WC 3 kali. Kenapa saya sokong Germany, tidak Brazil tidak Argentina ataupun England yang loser itu. hehe, akn tetapi saya pilih Argentina sebagai team kedua saya, boleh kn? Unfortunately, ialah Germany vs Argentina, tp saya sokong Germany la :) Saya sokong Germany sejak sekolah lagi, mereka main sgt tersusun dan teratur, pada WC2010 ini, semasa melawan England, mereka main sgt cantek, the beautiful football, mostly org kata dekat saya Germany main physical game iaitu main kasar, tp tidak sama sekali. Akn tetapi, semasa melawan England, saya pun tidak pasti adakah Germany hebat ataupun England teruk. Pada pendapat saya Germany hebat,haha..Oh, jgn lupa, semasa kegemilangan bola sepak Malaysia dahulukala, jurulatih nya ialah org jerman, Karl Heinze Weigang :)

Kenapa West Germany dahulu dan sekarang Germany? Sebenarnya, sebelum perang dunia kedua (WW2), Germany ada 3 team yang menyertai WC1950 iaitu East Germany, West Germany dan Saarland. West Germany di bawah pimpinan Federal Republic of Germany atau Germany yang kita kenali skrg. Manakala East Germany di pimpin oleh German Democratic Repulic. Saarland adalah sebahagian daripada Germany akn tetapi di bawah pemerintahan Perancis pada 1947-1956. Saarland tidak mahu menyertai organisasi bolasepak Perancis dan malang buat mereka kerana tidak di benar kn menyertai apa2 yg berkaitan dgn Germany pada ketika itu dan mereka membuat keputusan untuk menghantar pasukan bola sepak mereka sendiri. Pada thn 1957, Saarland akhirnya menyertai West Germany. Bersatu nya kedua2 negara ini pada thn 1989 iaitu di masa kejatuhan Tembok Berlin dimana German Democratic Republic menyertai Federal Republic of Germany 1990 dan sekaligus menggabungkn East Germany dan West Germany. Dan detik manis ini disambut pada setiap 3 Oktober di Jerman sbg German Unity Day :)

East Germany logo during German Democratic Republic (1952-1990)

Saarland Flag - Football Team (1950-1956)

haha..guess you are dead boring by now, reading about the German football history. You want me to describe the German footballer? I think you know them all already. Its enough to know Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Müller, Jürgen Klinsmann, Micheal Ballack or Oliver Kahn and the next star of Germany that i really like to watch they play in this WC2010 is Thomas Müller and Mesut Özil :)

"Siegreiches Deutschland, Hagel Fuhrer"

P/S: Haha, I am really passionate about Germany. I memorize its National Anthem. For me Germany is awesome from its football to its engineering. Hehe, hope can travel there someday :) But still, I love Malaysia :p


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Halo2..but before that.ahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaHHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaHAHAHAhohohohHEHEHE HEHHIHIHHIHHHIHIhihihihiuhuhuhuhuhHUHUHUHahahahaH

Its been a long time since i update my post. The last entry I post is Golden Ratio dated January 23 which is regarding my FYP but my FYP is already done a very very long time ago :D Its been 5 months now,hahahahaha again.. |=.=|

Actually, I dont know wht is my purpose to create a blog before. I have many things to say and write about, which is mostly about politics and academic. But, writings about politics is quiet dangerous and we have to play safe here..aite2 :p And about academic, I am not the brightest and cleverest student, so its kind a shame for me to post about academic,hoho try me :D 

"Kalau Kail Panjang Sejengkal, Laut Dalam Jgn Di Duga"
blog blog blog

Haha, i think you can understand better than me what I want to explain there, eheh..anyway, is there any importance of blogging? now you tell me,hehe

i read someone blog once a time ago that he/she said the blog is a must for employer and it should be attached in the resume. erk, come on dude, if u have a blog regarding urself, u really want to attach it? what u do every day, at home, having fun or whatsoever, do u feel that should be read by the interviewer? hahahaha :D or just for the sake of the job or resume, u make another blog that show how good u are regarding everything..dont be hypocrite..nnt kerja tadak berkat,hahaha :)

i am very respecting someone who wrote blog regarding himself/herself. 1st, he like to share about everything what he is doing and 2nd, he got guts that to share even the worse/shameful things that happened to him,hahaha :D

i am not respecting the copy pasta person. i hate this kind of blog. he copy from blogs, and then he pasted it to his blog without crediting the original writer, LOL u very lame sir. Also there are many blogs that regarding entertainment that is just copy pasta-ing from newspaper online website, entertainment, i've read the news already, why should you make another one for me, but with same article..oh pls, maybe u can apply a job for harian metro or kosmo because that newspaper is very lame, yeah lame..

"aku benci harian metro dan kosmo online kerana berita mereka sgt mengarut seperti harian metro krn aku yakin kamu semua bole agak apa yg akn menjadi headline news tiap2 hari di harian metro. aku benci kerana ini akn mempengaruhi cara pemikiran org melayu kita yg sedia ada mundur ini. ya aku yakin krn itu la sumber bacaan rakyat malaysia hanya lah novel kebanyakan nya..dan sbb itu lah ada nya hari membaca di malaysia kerana rakyat malaysia adalah antara rakyat yg paling kurg membaca, tp percentage rakyat celik/boleh baca ramai pula. kn malas nama nya kn?"
if u see this on your browser, quickly close the tab,hahaha :D

erk..panjang pula artikel ini..tgk lah apa yg terjadi, sudah lama tidak menulis blog, bila menulis, mcm2 terpacul dr kepala otak untuk terus menaip, tp lain jd nya dgn exam, otak 0 dan terus tidak tahu buat apa..haha :D baik lah wahai pembaca (ada ka? |=.=|) selamat dpt kn hari yang baik (dlm bahasa inggeris nya - have a nice day) :p 

P/S: do you ever think this is my case study or my assignment that lecturer ask me to do? hahaha - dear all student, pls make assignment regarding the important of blogging - there is no way that this assignmet to be done by engineering student,hahaha :D

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Golden Ratio

This is something related to my FYP :p My FYP title is - Biped Walking Robot. Aiyoo, i think it is possible, but but...haha :p Right now, me and my partner still not buying the component. Aigoo~how many month left already, u think i can make it? (-___-) Ok2, enough2, here is something about golden ratio.

Golden Ratio
In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to (=) the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Other names frequently used for the golden ratio are the golden section (Latin: sectio aurea) and golden mean. Other terms encountered include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section (Latin: sectio divina), golden proportion, golden cut, golden number, and mean of Phidias. The golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter phi, usually lower case (φ).

Equivalent definition

Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. But the fascination with the Golden Ratio is not confined just to mathematicians. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.
Mario Livio , The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, The World's Most Astonishing Number

Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Vitruvian Man' approves the Golden Ratio. This drawing also called Canon of Proportions.

Fibonacci sequence approve the golden ratio.

Golden Ration in Nature and Architecture
At least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing.

Human Hand

Golden Ration in Mathematics


And lastly this is how Golden Ratio is related to my FYP, it is said that, human body balance is based on this calculation. Even how short or tall you is, every measurement on your body is based on Golden Ratio. Betapa Maha Hebat nya Dia - Subhanallah (^_^) With this measurement, we will apply the calculation to our robot and this will make sure that the robot is balance in term of standing and walking. InshaALLAH.

Human Body
The measurement

The Divine Proportion in the Body

  • The white line is the body's height.
  • The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the distance from the head to the finger tips.
  • The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the distance from the head to the navel and the elbows.
  • The green line, a golden section of the yellow line, defines the distance from the head to the pectorals and inside top of the arms, the width of the shoulders, the length of the forearm and the shin bone.
  • The magenta line, a golden section of the green line, defines the distance from the head to the base of the skull and the width of the abdomen. The sectioned portions of the magenta line determine the position of the nose and the hairline.
  • Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line (also the short section of the green line) defines the width of the head and half the width of the chest and the hips.
P/S : Help Help Help FYP! Uhuhu (>_<)

Source : Mathworld, Wikipedia, Mathforum, Artofraz, Emptyeasel, Freemason, Golden Number

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Busiest Airports in Malaysia

Im in the mood of going home for mid semester break holiday..hehe :p thats mean i will see airport again..yay! welcome to miri :p hoho..this post is nothing..i've just read about airport and i found the interesting data..and i just sort it out (LOL..supposely i do my work, seems like i have nothing else to do..trolling2 internet~sigh -_____-") then i just found the busiest airport in malaysia, this data is collected up to 2008..still not outdated aite? aite..aite? :D here we go! The top 5 busiest airports in Malaysia goes to..jeng..jeng..jeng...

1. KL International Airport (KLIA)

Haha..tidak lain tidak bukan, siapa lagi :p

  • KLIA also has been awarded numerous prestigious awards. So if you find yourself arriving at/departing from KLIA, take time to unwind and enjoy its plethora of amenities and services.

2. Kota Kinabalu International Airport

  • This airport first began as a military airfield built by the Japanese occupying forces during World-War II. Back then, it was also known as the Jesselton Airfield.
  • There are approximately 2 million tourists visited Sabah through this airport, making it one of Malaysia s fastest growing regional international airports.

3. Kuching International Airport

  • The airport is also an airbase for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and its newly renovated terminal complex is capable of handling 5 million passengers annually.
  • The airport was built by the British Government of Sarawak in the 1940’s on the outskirt of Kuching town. It was opened for used on 26th September 1950.

4. Miri Airport
yaaaaaaayaaaaaayy!, no international airport anymore..

  • The Miri Airport has the capacity of managing 2 million passengers annually.[Wow (O_o)]
  • The airport, located close to the border of Brunei Darussalam, is an important gateway to the Northern Region of Sarawak and serves as a hub for interior air services to Mulu, Mukah, Marudi, Limbang, Lawas and other airports

5. Penang International Airport
Aih, still international airport eh :p

  • The airport offers extensive connectivity with major cities in South East Asia. Passengers arriving or departing from the north will enjoy a fabulous view of Georgetown, Butterworth and the Penang Bridge.
  • With the combined attractions of tourism and business, Penang International Airport is consistently being upgraded to cater to the increasing traffic demand.

Hehe..thats all for not creating this fact, the rank is based on the passengers and aircraft movements, but i have no idea about rank no 5, seems like its passenger and aircraft movement is more than no 4 (~_~)

P/S : Hoho..There are 5 international airport and 15 domestics airport in malaysia and in this is the busiest one (^_^)

Source :
Malaysia Airports, Miri Wiki, KLIA, Airport in Malaysia

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Public Transportation Ettiquete

Alooo..seems like im becoming the real community service ambassador. Do this job exist? hahaha XD There r no such thing, but they maybe called Social Activist. Am I right? Correct me, huhuhu :)

Do u aware this advertisement :p

Have u ever ride public transportation called LRT? haha, who doesnt rite..But im not sure there r non malaysian readers here, huuuhuhuh..If u r not from Malaysia, im thankful and grateful because u read my blog,ngeehehe~

As stated in the pic,

"These seats is especially for senior citizen, pregnant woman and handicap and disable people. DO WE CARE?"

hoho..we always read this notice, but do we ever follow it? I dont think this is displayed in LRT only but also busses and trains. When LRT/Train/Bus from another place to place, the bus become crowded, and there many kind of people riding it, elder man, elder woman, pregnant woman, child, adult, teenager, husband, wife, blablabla...haha.. With many kinds of people, there will be also different kind of behaviour and unexpected.. Hoho, just read the following, hope this will help the ignorance out there, aiyak!
  1. No pushing and let the people inside go out first - Erk, i've experience whr i cannot go out because thr r many people pushing to enter the train, i cannot move forward, but pushed until the side whr the door is meant to be closed. Wht happened to me, i miss the station and only can go out after next two station..Wuuuu Wuuuu
  2. Dont gather at the door - LOL, this is happened when people think that they just riding for a while and if they stayed at the door, they can go first. But wht happened when the LRT/Trains stopped at the station, it is difficult for people to enter the LRT/Train and the door is not controlled. So, there r some people will be left behind and have to wait another LRT/Train, huhuhu (>_<)
  3. Get up for elderly - Wawawawa..this is quite annoying when seeing teenager or people that affordable to stand :p is sitting quite happily and comfortably while senior citizen is standing and try to balance so that they will not fall down.
  4. Get up for pregnant woman - Erm..the woman maybe mid 20, but she is pregnant woman. There r many reason why she should get the seat. Hoi ignorance people out thr, if she standing comfortably on her feet, doesnt mean u should leave her as she is, but you should, i mean must give her the seat. So that she doesn't need to be jostled all over the place as the train moves.
  5. Get up for the handicapped/disabled - Heh, this is obvious huh. If u still didnt offer the seat, u r devil man..i mean it bro, really..
  6. Get up for small children - Yup2, of course we should give the children the seat cause they not be able to stand properly as the bus moves because they cannot holding the holder (is this its name, i dont knw, it is the hanging one on the LRT/Train/Bus so people that standing can hold it)
  7. Wear deodorant - Haha, i found this one on the internet. Its true tho..haha..and you're likely to annoy everyone in close proximity if you don't. If, for some reason, you can't wear deodorant, make sure you get a seat and don't wind up holding the railing with your armpit in someone's face. LOL :D
Situation 1
There are elderly enter the train, with her is plastic bag with vegetable and some
barang dapur, seem like heavy yea..and at the seat, all the teenager. Some of them are talking to each other and they seem didnt realize the older is standing holding her things. Some of them are listening to their mp3 and some of them sleeping (maybe fake sleeping,haha :p) DO THEY CARE?

Situation 2

Still the senior citizen entering the train, but not the same citizen in the situation 1, haha :p at the seat, there are different kind of people but wht caught my eyes is a student, i think secondary school student (Sek Ren = secondary school kan? Primary = Sek Men kan? Im confuse,haha..but the boy is Sek Ren because his trousers is dark blue,haha). And then the teenager next to the him scolding him with loud voice to give the seat to the senior citizen. And wht do u think? Is this a good practice?

haha..I think this is ...wait for it :p ....not a good practice. Why? because the student bringing his big bag, yea really big, student these days are carrying stone to school :p And this is not appropriate to him to stand with his big bag and books cause he may fall down. Who should give the sit? Aaaaaa, the man who scolded the boy, but that is not happening because he is sitting next to his girlfriend. What a loser (>_<)

Hoho..this is my experience for riding the public transportation till today. Such things always happened around us. Maybe worse but we just didnt realize it yet. Hehe, last but no least..


P/S : I do care, but my english is becoming really bad huh? (-_-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Community Service Message - Let's Go Green!

Halo..Moshi Moshi~

This is community service message, but my blog is not for this :p im just passing around good message to community :p Hi u remember my post before, im sure u not remember aite..hehe :p Click this
link to recall :)

Hehe..this picture is taken at the cashier section..i know u know, just wnt to tell u,haha :D

Hehe..found it here already..this picture is taken at Giant Batu Caves, im sure every single one of whr is that :p Miri have done it already, but it held on
sunday. According to my brother, Miri City will enforce no plastic bag at all on this coming May, Miri citizen out there, dont ever forget to bring your own beg yaa :)

  • Plastic bags litter the landscape. - Each year more and more plastic bags are ending up littering the environment. Once they become litter, plastic bags find their way into our waterways, parks, beaches, and streets. And, if they are burned, they infuse the air with toxic fumes.
  • Plastic bags kill animals. - About 100,000 animals such as dolphins, turtles whales, penguins are killed every year due to plastic bags. Many animals ingest plastic bags, mistaking them for food, and therefore die. And worse, the ingested plastic bag remains intact even after the death and decomposition of the animal.
  • Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. - And one of the worst environmental effects of plastic bags is that they are non-biodegradable. The decomposition of plastic bags takes about 1000 years
  • Petroleum is required to produce plastic bags. - As it is, petroleum products are diminishing and getting more expensive by the day, since we have been using this non-renewable resource increasingly. Petroleum is vital for our modern way of life. It is necessary for our energy requirements – for our factories, transport, heating, lighting, and so on. Without viable alternative sources of energy yet on the horizon, if the supply of petroleum were to be turned off, it would lead to practically the whole world grinding to a halt. Surely, this precious resource should not be wasted on producing plastic bags, should it?
  1. Use biodegradable bags made from fabrics.
  2. Ladies can fold a cotton bag or two in to their purses which can be used to quench their sudden urge for shopping.
  3. Nylon bags can be used and reused several times.
  4. Donate old news papers and magazines to small scale institutes that cut these old papers in to paper bags and packets.
  5. Use a wicker basket. (They can make a fashion statement today.)
  6. Educate the local retailers on the ill effects of use of plastics. (This is wht we done,hehe :))
  7. Insist your local retailers to use plastic bags of thicker variety if at all he has to use.
This is ekjample of biodegradable bag in case u didn't know :p hohoho

Hehe, this is my biodegradable bag, but i dont use it to Giant or any market :p My mom gave me this bag for me to carry my CPU everytime semester break :)


P/S : Am I good citizen? Im not sure, huhuhuhu :(

Source : Buzzle, Article Alley

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Increase Your Broadband Speed

Haloo and Assalamualaikum..

Today, i want to talk abt :p how you can increase the maximum speed of your broadband according to the package you bought especially the one who used Maxis Broadband and Celcom Broadband..I think other supplier also applicable.

This is Celcom bb, im sure it is not like this cause my family using Celcom bb at home, sorry i cant find the right picture of the device, im sure u knw whts its look like, i think this is the older version~ngeehehe

Adik2, inilah device Maxis bb..hehe :p


1. Install Mozilla Firefox, (MF), It is because this setting only available on MF.

2. Click on the address bar, type 'about:config'. When the display show, just click 'i'll be carefull, i promise'.

3. Change these setting, u can use filter box on the top to make easy to find the string.
(a) network.http.max-connections (change the value to 99)
(b) network.http.max-connections-per-server (change the value to 30)

(c) network.http.pipelining (change the value to True)

(d) network.http.pipelining.maxrequests (change the value to 30)

(e) network.http.proxy.pipelining (change the value to True)

(f) network.http.request.max-start-delay (change the value to 5)

4. Then, right click at any interface inside the MF, select New and click on the Integer. Type 'nglayout.initialpaint.delay', and then set its value to 5.

5. Close MF.

6. Click 'Start' button and then click 'Run'.

7. Type 'gpedit.msc.'

8. On the 'Computer Configuration' section, click symbol '+' next to 'Administrative Templates'.

9. Click symbol '+' next to 'Network'.

10. Click on the 'QoS Packet Scheduler'.

11. And then double click on 'Limit reservable bandwidth'.

12. On the tab Setting, choose Disable. Then click Apply and then click Ok.

13. Log Off your PC / Laptop and then re-Login.

Make sure to use MF as your default browser. Also make sure that the signal that u received is UMTS/HSDPA/3G.
With this method, InshaAllah your connection speed will be used as maximum as possible according to the broadband package u bought. Hope this will help u and TQ \(^_^)/

P/S : I use this method and it abt u?

P/S/S : Huhu..i forgot whr i take this information. Thank you for who make this useful info, i wnt to credit u but forgot (-_-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aku dan ...

Satu malam yang indah..agak lewat malam..aku bergegas ke kiosk faruq, mahu membeli sos yang hendak di makan dengan mix yang aku bli kt ali..dekat kiosk ali dan siddiq aku tidak menjumpai sos kimball, sbb tu aku pgi smpi faruq, tp malang tiada juga sos sedemikian di faruq.aku bli sahaja yang ada, aku sudah malas mahu ke sana ke mari lagi.sambil2 itu, aku mencari majalah ujang kerana aku rasa kiosk ini sahaja yang pernah menjual benda sedemikian.

(Cerita ini memang kena mengena dengan yang hidup iaitu aku dan abg kiosk faruq, yang mati memang tiada kena mengena langsung, sekian)

A : Bos, ujang abis suda ka?

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : APO? tidak ada jugak ka?

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : Oo..ok2..bos, mna paper hari ini? Abis suda ka?

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : Laa..slalu saya tgk ada saja paper tggl..

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : Bos, air ni harga bpa (aku mengangkat utk menunjuk kn botol air itu)

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : Eh2..bos, ini air brapa harga?

B : Yaa...Yaa...Yaa...

A : Aih?? (Aku mula pening, kenapa abg kiosk ini asyik yayayayayayaya sahaja dari tadi,aaa~). Xpa la bos (Aku pun bayar sahaja lah barang yang aku beli tadi)..Bos, kiosk ini ttup pkul bpa ah? (Sambil menunjuk ke arah jam)

B : Ah..Ah (Syukur..jwpn dia bkn lagi yayayayayaya, akn tetapi, apa yg dia jawab itu? aku musykil lagi)

A : Saya tanya, kiosk ini ttup pkul bpa?

B : Ah..Ah..(dia menunjuk isyarat tidak faham)

A : Tutup pkul bpa? (Sambil isyarat tgn aku tnjuk pintu ttup)

B : I dont understand u, speak english please.

A : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? (Apsal x ckp awl2..btapa pjg nya dialog aku ngn dia,huh)...Nevermind...nevermind...

Lebih kurang sebegini, aku tidak pasti dia melayu ataupun india..akan tetapi, jika beliau di dalam gambar di atas itu tidak memakai apron, pasti anda pun tidak pasti bahawa beliau melayu atau pun tidak bukan? ngeee~Untuk informasi anda (FYI), beliau diatas bukan la abg kiosk itu, mungkin dia penjual roti canai atau pelayan di kedai mamak.

LOL..tension juga aku rasa..lama juga aku cakap2 dengan brader kiosk itu (itupun kira cakap2 ka? XD ). Tapi malangnya komunikasi kami tak berkesan :D Tp seriously, aku mmg tidak menjangka kn dia tidak bole bercakap bahasa melayu, fasih pun jauh sekali, slalunya aku menjumpai org sedemikian akn tetapi mereka agak fasih juga berbahasa muka dia juga aku amat tidak menjangka kn bahawa dia org bkn malaysia..seperti org2 india sini2 juga~adoi adoi adoi

P/S : Serius, aku ingt dia boleh berbahasa melayu, apa yang aku nmpk ms itu pun aku tidak pasti, tp aku pasti aku rs dia bole bercakap bahasa melayu..hahaha :D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This is dimiss or what??

Haloo evrybody..hehe..

Why Im talking abt this, because Im the student of this university too - International Islamic University Malaysia :p It is too much because i admit im from this uni? :p But im study different course from his/her son, Im Engineer InshaAllah :)

Click the image to zoom ( if u cannot read la..) or click the link


"sepatutnya saya sebagai penjaga diberitahu terlebih dulu masalah yang anak saya hadapi."

1. This guy is right, they should inform their parents regarding their son.

"Saya terus bergegas ke UIA untuk bertemu dekan setelah membuat temujanji."

2. Its good to act fastly as this guy done, go directly to the management.

"Saya tidak mempertikaikan kelemahan anak saya tetapi mempertikaikan apa yang pihak kulliyah lakukan bagi membantu pelajarnya untuk berjaya."

3. Good2..Seems like he/she accepting the system :)

"Perjumpaan dengan pelajar akan direkodkan dan pelajar perlu menandatangani penerimaan surat amaran atau teguran itu dan salinannya akan dihantar kepada penjaga"

4. Yeah, thats true :) Again..


"Saya juga mempertikaikan peranan penasihat akademik yang dilantik dalam menangani masalah pelajar bawah seliaannya."

1. Erk, I dunno wht this mean..under supervision? This exist ah? or his/her son's lecturer? LOL XD

"Lebih memeranjatkan apabila diberitahu anak saya bahawa penasihat akademiknya tidak pernah memanggilnya untuk membincangkan sebarang isu,"

2. Haha..Do lecturer need to call every of his/her student..Of course the student should meet the lecturer himself/herself :D lagipun, there are thousands uia student LOL XD

"tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah sehingga tahun tiga barulah pihak universiti sedar bahawa anak saya tidak layak untuk meneruskan pengajiannya."

3. This is university we need to depend all to the university? uhuhuh..i thought when we entering university, we had to do everything by ourself..independence aah.. (Is this the right spelling of berdikari? haha :D)

"Namun ini tidak pernah berlaku di UIA, pihak UIA dengan mudah membuat keputusan tanpa sebarang amaran."

4. Erk..what do u mean dgn mudah? (>_<) Haha..typical malaysian..blaming the others..yeah2 :p


Haha..most of all, the student need to confess to the parents..If not, this would not happened. Just tell ur parent if u r in critical condition, u really need help bro, huhu :( yeah2, meet the lecturer early to discuss the problem, not when only after we are failing or the midterm or final exm is in the corner..(sound like me..LOL :p) i hope this matter already settled

P/S : i giving advice? LOLOLOL XD


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